Due to COVID-19, the Department of Real Estate (DRE) is experiencing longer than normal processing timeframes.
Quite often, staff receive calls from applicants and licensees inquiring about possible alternatives to expedite their licensing transactions. For those of you who are not already aware, DRE’s eLicensing system offers an online platform that, among other things, allows for applicant/license change transactions, license renewals, and the printing of real estate license certificates, all easily completed on DRE’s website.
User-friendly features include a customized selection menu of eLicensing options specific to the conditions of each license, automated fee payment and processing options, status tracking of online transactions, and email confirmations. After the successful completion of an eLicensing transaction, the license record will be updated in real-time and be available for viewing on DRE’s website immediately.
eLicensing can be used to:
• Schedule a salesperson and broker exam date after an application is qualified and processed
• Change exam mailing address
• View exam records, exam date, time and location
• View exam results and request duplicate schedule and result notices
• Print a license application after passing the exam
• Confirm if your license has been issued
• Print salesperson, broker and officer license certificates, and mortgage loan originator license endorsement certificates
• Request to add or change a salesperson’s affiliating broker
• Add or change main office and mailing address
• Update contact information, i.e. phone numbers and email address
• Broker-associate affiliation processing
• Broker, salesperson, and officer renewal transactions*
All of these options are available to you at a touch of a button 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To use eLicensing, you must register by creating a user name and password. As you can see there are many benefits to using eLicensing. We know once you try it, you will encourage your colleagues to use it too!
*License renewals may not be filed using eLicensing if you hold a restricted license or you are an officer applying to renew an expired corporation on a late basis.